
I received some lovely words of appreciation today and am so grateful for those who cross my pathway and inspire me to inspire others if that makes sense! I’ve been really busy over these past few months (I’m sure I said that yesterday!) – well actually the whole of 2010 was pretty full on! And […]


I’ve been so busy all day and have been keeping an eye on the flooding in Brisbane – hoping that water will subside sooooooooon for those people in Queensland…much aroha going out to all of those affected… So, he aha te korero o te wa? Well just a short post today and it is about […]

Tiakina a Papatuanuku

I woke up this morning thinking about problem solving (yes) and it was all a bit mind boggling for me but I realised that we have some major things happening in the world right now. And I haven’t watched the news for months, but I just had to turn on the TV to see how […]

Get Outside That Box

I think I’ve still got some remnants from Day 9’s painting because this rock is redder than that one! Not quite sure where this one came from although I have been thinking about being “outside the box” today. I’ve always been one to think outside the box. I remember as a child, I was a […]

The Moon…

This rock is inspired by the moon and contains the new moon, the full moon and today’s moon…It reminds me as all of these rocks do, of our connection to the whenua, to the land. It is also about the connection of a woman’s cycle to the cycles of the moon and how our tupuna […]

Pink is for Perfectionism

I don’t know where that title came from but I’m the first to admit that I am a perfectionist and it is one of those things that I am always conscious of when I am creating, especially when I am painting rocks – that line just has to be perfect! So lately, I’ve been consciously […]