I’m watching the night sky tonight, not because everyone is saying that there is going to be an extra big moon in the sky but because I always like to see the moon when its full. I feel the moon when it’s full…does anyone else feel that? You just know when it is in the […]
Month: March 2011
There was a memorial today for the recent Otautahi (Chch) earthquake and I’m so grateful that there was live coverage where we could all tune in. It was a HUGE turnout to remember those who had lost their lives and to support those who mourn their loss. The rescue workers were honoured for their work […]
Todd comes home today and tells me that he bumped into a woman downtown that says she has started painting a rock a day after seeing my rock of the day project! I thought how cool is that, that what I am doing with my rocks is actually inspiring others to do the same! I […]
All I want to say today is PEACE…
Praying Mantis
Have you ever sat and observed a praying mantis? I’ve been doing exactly that over the past few days – there’s been so many around. They seem to like the comfort of our home because whenever I try to put them outside, they just find their way back in! They are such amazing creatures! I […]
There are a lot of videos on the internet showing the devastation of the disaster in Japan, footage that you would not see on mainstream television. I can’t bring myself to watch it right now. The comments are painting a picture for me and it scares me to even take a look! A lot of […]