I was given these two stones to paint while in Australia a couple of months ago and they’ve been sitting next to my rose quartz since I brought them home and today I was ready to paint them. The smaller stone is the smallest I’ve painted this year! It’s about 1.5cm. These stones are quite […]
Month: August 2011
Intention In Action
I am totally (totally!) convinced now that you can bring forth whatever you want in your life just through pure intention and trust. I’ve experienced intention in action over the past year in the most amazing ways, it has been a strong validation for me that anything is possible! Like a domino effect, one thing […]
In my tiredness, I’m writing a post about my carbon footprint. I’m totally conscious of it, but how can I “give back” to the environment what I am taking from it as I fly to the other side of the world next month? There are little things that I’m doing already; the normal things that […]
From Right to Left
Does anyone else read the newspaper from right to left, from back to front? As I painted today’s rock (from right to left) I was reminded of my apparent dsylexia, getting words and things around the wrong way… It could perhaps have to do with the fact that I am left-handed why I paint from […]
Silver Lining
I sat to paint my rock today and I had all these thoughts in my mind about what it was going to be (actually I started with four rocks and called it four stones lol) and then all of that went out the window! And then once I had finished “one” rock, I thought oh […]
Small Wonders
Today’s rock and the three rocks before have all been very small rocks! I enjoy painting the small rocks, despite them sometimes being harder to paint! There is something about these tiny gems that is appealing… Perhaps it is because they can fall easily into a pocket to be kept cosy and warm or held […]