Human Nature

Whenever he sung, he sung from his heart. Michael Jackson for me is THE most amazing artist and musician that has ever lived. No-one in my life time has ever come close to him. And I want to honour him today because as I watch the story of his life unfold, I realise he was […]


It’s important to tell our stories. Looking back over the past 300+ days I can see the importance of story as a way of connecting with one another, to be inspired or moved in some way and to add to the conversation and share our own stories. It’s the sharing of our stories that helps […]

Make Time

I haven’t painted a small rock like this for a while but out of all the rocks that I have painted this year, these tiny ones although small, are the most special to me. One of our friends called in tonight, just to have a kōrero and say hi. It’s those thoughts and small gestures […]

Mihi Aroha

So many things floating around in my mind… actually, whizzing around in my mind right now! Emotions – sad, angry, helpless, confusion, tears, tiredness, grateful, moved, overwhelmed… Appreciation for life, for those I have in my life. Remind me to never put off spending time, to show someone you love them… never leave a visit […]

The Power of Now

Flying on a plane in the realms of Ranginui today, the bumps and noise and then moments of smooth – I’ve learnt to ride with it although not pleasant at times, but it does not last forever. The Power of Now – this moment is all there is. If I try and will the bumps […]

Made Of Stars

I’ve always loved the stars. As a kid we lived in a village away from bright lights and tall buildings (not that the buildings in Rotorua were tall lol) so the stars we could see from our house were amazing. A blanket of magic… I had a wonderful day today (ahakoa te wā pouri) with […]