Oil. Slimy, greasy black pile of fresh cow dung substance, you remind me of tar – melted on a hot day. You smell SO disgusting, how could I possibly be addicted to you? Why do I treat you as necessary? Imagine a large drill penetrating deep; deep into your being, affecting every part of you […]
Author: admin
On My Mind
I was low on energy today but was very inspired by a host of wahine Māori on Native Affairs tonight who are either politicians in Parliament or aspiring new politicians – all very strong women. It was pleasing to see and made me think, if we had more wāhine Māori in Parliament, not only would […]
Focus On Healing
This is another post I’ve been wanting to share for a while. We live in a disease focused society, a struggle mentality, victim mode, especially here in Aotearoa where we have a history of colonisation – something that has had a huge impact on Māori and ultimately the rest of the country. We are so […]
The Living Matrix
Today’s rock is full of things… life’s many intricacies… I started the day listening to Steve Job’s kōrero at Stanford University. I’ve listened to this many times…but I want to share some of those words as I feel they are important for the time. “Sometimes lifes gonna hit you in the head with a brick. […]
One Day
When opportunity knocks be prepared. I learnt a big lesson tonight, I learnt to be prepared, as opportunity can present itself at any time and at any place! I went along to Green drinks with Metiria Turei tonight and it was fantastic. No big huha, just an informal evening, sharing conversation with others and meeting […]
The Cheetah Verses the Teacher
Who do you reckon wins? The teacher of course! I’m totally and absolutely convinced now that school squashes children. School here in Aotearoa is a regimented colonial SYSTEM that is all about fitting children into boxes, preparing them for the workforce for a lifetime of conformity. Todd and Teia spent three days making her a […]