There’s this lady that bikes past our house. She looks middle age from what I can see in the few seconds I see her as she zooms past! And she carries a big basket on the front, you know like those ones that can hold flowers or vegetables. She is dressed nicely like she’s ready […]
Author: admin
Ngā Manu Tioriori
It’s lovely waking up in the morning at 5am to chirping birds outside the window. And there have been a couple of new sounds I’ve been hearing lately – so beautiful! Sometimes there are birds that we ignore or don’t think are special because we don’t have stories or connection to them, but you know […]
We were out again today capturing kōrero from a koroua about a traditional form of fishing. I’m constantly in awe with the way our tūpuna (ancestors) lived – they were very on to it! Anyway, we came home with three kahawai today and when we were given them we were like WOW – thank-you SO […]
My Rock
Dear Mum, It was lovely talking to you today. You always remind me of what’s real, love, unconditional love and what I should be grateful for. I reminded you today of who I am, as I do each day I talk to you. And we reminisced about the old days when you would come and […]
No matter how hard you try to go against the flow of life, the wind will always turn you to the experiences that will carry you forward to do the work you were meant to do. Life is not always what we want it to be, and we do not always get want we want […]
Wainui – Reflections of Wai
I was out at Wainui today for a hui and man it was so nice to be by the sea again… The sound of waves roaring in, the wind blowing a warm blow and feeling the sand beneath my feet and in between my toes, grounded…ahhhh… Where have I been all spring? Geez, need to […]