I haven’t painted a small rock like this for a while but out of all the rocks that I have painted this year, these tiny ones although small, are the most special to me. One of our friends called in tonight, just to have a kōrero and say hi. It’s those thoughts and small gestures […]
Category: Gallery
A Visual Display of Hand Painted Rocks by Jo Tito
Mihi Aroha
So many things floating around in my mind… actually, whizzing around in my mind right now! Emotions – sad, angry, helpless, confusion, tears, tiredness, grateful, moved, overwhelmed… Appreciation for life, for those I have in my life. Remind me to never put off spending time, to show someone you love them… never leave a visit […]
The Power of Now
Flying on a plane in the realms of Ranginui today, the bumps and noise and then moments of smooth – I’ve learnt to ride with it although not pleasant at times, but it does not last forever. The Power of Now – this moment is all there is. If I try and will the bumps […]
Made Of Stars
I’ve always loved the stars. As a kid we lived in a village away from bright lights and tall buildings (not that the buildings in Rotorua were tall lol) so the stars we could see from our house were amazing. A blanket of magic… I had a wonderful day today (ahakoa te wā pouri) with […]
The first word that came to mind when I was painting this kohatu was mangopare – the hammerhead shark. A symbol of strength and tenacity. Just as I had finished putting the final touches to this kohatu, I received a phone call from Todd with some sad news. I have no words at this time […]
Affirming the Earth
I hold the earth in the palm of my hand. I am 100% responsible for my actions. I take responsibility for myself, to treat myself with respect and love. I take responsibility to care for the earth. I have the ability to bring about change. Change begins with me – right now. Arohanui, Jo x