Tui Tui Tuia

Tuia i runga Tuia i raro Tuia i roto Tuia i waho Tui tui tuia I remember this waiata from ages ago at school! And like most Māori waiata we learnt in mainstream school (which was very few), I really didn’t know what any of them meant. So now when I recite these words, they […]

Out the Other Side

I love this rock but I didn’t really enjoy painting it to begin with because I was quite agitated. It’s another revived rock that I found in the garden, a rock I had started months, maybe years ago but never finished. So another green spiral underneath, another rock to be healed from another time and […]


This is a pretty fired up rock! It contains all sorts of things – fed up, had enough, drive, passion, annoyed, over it, move on, get off your ass and do something, so you can’t be bothered, head down butt up, stop being lazy, get your a into g and do something about it, grow […]

Found Treasures

I was out in the back yard choosing my rock today and much to my delight, I found lots of little surprises! Well actually they’d been there all along, I just didn’t stop for long enough to notice them and really see what was there! I didn’t realise how many found treasures I had gathered […]


I find a rock to paint, choose my paints from an old adidas shoe box, (damn you adidas and my adidas shoes I love so much!) I gather brushes, tray and water…a warm spot somewhere beckons and I paint… Paint my way over the rock, I feel the lines… when I first look at the […]