I love the way of light; it’s ability to reflect the essence of nature in a single moment, lighting a pathway to a space or place, I see light in everything… Light expresses mood and feeling, light is a giver of life, it has the ability to bring out beauty and wonder, sadness and mystery. […]
Category: Gallery
A Visual Display of Hand Painted Rocks by Jo Tito
If the ocean was to disappear, life as we know it would not exist. Water. Such an important part of life. And as my understanding of life’s intricate systems are revealed to me, my desire to care for the ocean and our waterways has become even stronger. This life form depends on that life form […]
Comfort is Risky
I was driving through a community today and it took me right back to when I was growing up. Everything seemed so familiar, the housing, the narrow road… I thought about the tight knit communities that to some degree shape us and have an affect on us in our later years, the experiences that are […]
Talk To Her
It’s the name of a movie I just finished watching. Two woman are in a coma, one is a bullfighter and the other is a dancer. The dancer has been in a coma for four years and has been cared for by a man who loves her. He talks to her everyday, he washes her, […]
Mirrors of Ice
Wrapping myself up in a blanket of aroha and warmth, feeling the need to hybernate for a little bit, heal some more and regroup for the new journeys ahead. There was an amazing frost this morning – I have not seen one like this for a long time. I remember them often growing up in […]
“Ko hūpē, ko roimata hei whakamauru noa i te mamae e kai kino nei, ā, mā te wā rawa te rāwakiwaki e whakangaro.” “Mucus and tears will ease the intense pain and eventually in time the depression will recede.” Death is something that challenges me. My grandmother passed away on my ninth birthday and it […]