Ko Wai Koe – Who Are You?

You know when you’re out somewhere, maybe at an exhibition opening or at a hui and you meet someone you have never met before, do you ask them, “Who are you?” or do you say, “What do you do?” Often I will ask, “Where you from?” as a way of making a connection with the […]

Mate Atu He Tetekura

Mate atu he tētēkura, hara mai he tētēkura. As one fern frond dies, another arises to take its place. I cried big tears today. It was great! Sometimes things happen that prompt us to face what it is that we need to face in order to release it and allow healing to take place. Sometimes […]

Pride of Place

I’ve had three people in the last couple of days say to me that the rocks I have painted for them (one over 12 years ago!) have pride of place in their home… I am so grateful that people appreciate these kohatu – as the word “kohatu” says, they are special gifts! And they are […]

Intuitive Stretching

I love stretching… I listen to my body and find places where stress is stored, then breathing in to exhale again, I let go… allowing the energy to flow again… Its amazing how your body responds when you listen… giving your attention for just a few moments can bring great healing and release… Arohanui, Jo […]

Sugar – The New Fire Water

We were talking the other day about how cheap it is for kids to buy fizzy drinks these days… and the amount of sugar that is in them! I remember walking into the supermarket first thing in the morning on a number of occasions, and there were these young kids walking out of the supermarket […]

The Wish Bone

I want to tell a story today, it is one of many stories that pop up now and then from Miss 6 and 3/4 year old Teia… We were having dinner tonight (roast chicken!) and she says quite confidently, “I think the wish bone can come from either the leg or the wing.” “Oh” I […]