Wānanga – A Perspective

In Wanganui at the moment with Todd for his final te reo o Wanganui wananga… I love wānanga for many reasons: They bring people together to share kōrero and stories about many different things. People leave with a full kete – with new ideas and perspectives, often challenged. Overwhelming at times, they can take you […]

Flying with the Moon

I flew from Gisborne to Auckland, Auckland to Wanganui today. The trip to Wanganui was at night and it was the first time that I’ve flown with a full moon. I’ve heard that the second full moon is the Māori moon, and this is the moon that was shining tonight. I looked out the window […]

Puanga Kai Rau

Puanga kai rau – an abundance of food at Puanga… Ngā mihi o te tau hou Māori ki a tātou! Happy Māori New Year to us all! They say that the Māori new year begins on the new moon in June which was on the 1st of June and today the 15th of June is […]

Inspire Uplift Heal

So I’m home and grounded but I feel like I’m on cloud nine! And there’s more to come! It’s amazing what intention can do. Speaking your truth and being who you are can create magic everyday and bring to fruition those dreams you first thought impossible. My vision is: “Inspire, Uplift and Heal through Nature […]


The kahu (hawk) followed me all the way home today. Every corner I turned, the kahu was there… I’m used to seeing kahu while driving but today was extra special – so many! I must have saw at least 20 of them flying and it all started in the morning when I woke up at […]

Tena Koe

I was pleasantly surprised when I boarded the plane home today and the guy at the counter said to me “kiaora” and then as I left he said, “Tēnā koe” I thought, wow that is SO awesome that someone has taken the time to learn our reo and is using it to greet people as […]