You know, some people may be disappointed about a National led govt, I certainly was in the first instance but all that aside, we have some pretty talented, charismatic, intelligent Māori in the house!
And I think we need to celebrate that.
It’s unfortunate that we’re spread across different parties but this is how we as Māori have existed for years. We are tribal, we have our own kawa, our own tikanga and ways of doing things. And that’s ok. Not to mention our own personalities and personal values.
But from what I can see, there are also areas of common ground. So perhaps this is where we meet? If we all worked together toward these common areas of interest we could actually move forward!
Respect for one another, understanding another’s point of view without compromise for our own views, we can actually bring about change! And if we let go of this desire for power and ego! The next three years are going to be very interesting – for both our existence as humans on this planet and for the planet itself.
Jo x