
Wow – this rock just came out in a burst! Like an erupting mountain releasing all its lava…It took me about 15-20 minutes, no thinking about it, just painting…
koru hand painted rock
The weather has been pretty amazing over the last few days; warm, cool, windy, raining – all seasons in one day which is not uncommon for Taranaki! And the weather always reflects my emotions, not sure why but like our maunga Taranaki who has a major effect on me, the weather has been so up and down and so have I.
I’ve shed a lot of skin over the past few days, released a lot of “stuff” to the wind and to the sea…We went swimming in the sea yesterday and even though the initial contact with the water was absolutely freezing, it was very cleansing. I could feel the waters wash over me, healing…I really felt like I was getting a good internal and external cleanse.
Change is in the air, new life, new beginnings, passion for what is to come and expansion into the unknown and the untouched.

I am so excited for the future 🙂
And it is the last day of the month!!! 31 days = 31 rocks, now that is an achievement for me!
Hei apopo – until tomorrow,
Jo 🙂

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