I’ve been trying to think of a way of describing my kohatu and the depth of their meaning for me. Last night at Pecha Kucha a woman came up to me and said, “I love your rocks, they are sacred geometry.” I almost jumped out of my chair (well actually I was sitting on the floor as I do lol) These words rang so true for me…
A lot of people look at what I do and say how much they love the Maori designs and I have to say now that my art, my paintings, anything that I create is not Maori art. I am inspired by nature, people, places and events just like my ancestors were but the symbols and markings that I make on my rocks are universal, they are not drawn on to the rock, they come out as I am painting. Yes the koru or spiral features in my work but this symbol for me is not just Maori, it is universal.
When I was young, I was often lost in watching clouds float by in the sky, I would lay on the earth looking into the sky to see what shapes I could see. I used to wonder in the bush alone and make my home there, being with nature and the many life-forms and shapes around me. I see koru in water, in many parts of nature as I imagine other people do.
Someone asked me last night, “what kind of masking tape do you use?” I had a bit of a giggle to myself and thought what a cute question! If I used masking tape, I tell you now that it would be a disaster and I probably wouldn’t create the work that I do if I used it. To be honest, if I was to use masking tape, its because I don’t trust myself. I can draw and paint a straighter line free-hand than I can with a ruler – believe me I’ve tried!! And the one time that I tried drawing my design on to the rock before painting it, that was a disaster too!!!
I am not a trained artist or photographer and I am so glad that I never studied within four walls in an institution because I feel that would have hindered my creativity. I value education and I think it is important but creativity, art and anything that feeds our spirit needs to be uninhibited and free…
This rock is full of life and colour. It reminds me of the beautiful aboriginal art that tells stories of land and environment. We were talking about aboriginal artists last night to a woman living in Queensland who had come home to Gisborne to look after her mother, so perhaps inspired by this korero but also my anticipation for when I will be in Brisbane in June. The lines that I have created on the rock are combined with the markings made by nature. It is so easy to just paint over them but this time I wanted to leave them there…
Today’s rock is for Lina whose birthday it is today. Lina lives just around the corner from us and do you think that we have actually visited her yet? No! So now I have no excuse, I have to deliver this special kohatu to her today! Ra whanau ki a koe e hoa, great to see you last night. Arohanui, Jo x