The Space In Between

I love this rock I’ve painted today. It’s one of my favorite rocks so far. It was very soothing to paint. The weather is changing. It’s been raining for most of the day and I’ve been in a different space. An in between space where I’m neither her nor there, just in between. It’s kind […]


It’s my mother’s birthday today and she is 75! This rock is for her… I am so grateful for my mother even more now that I am old-er (not old but old-er!) Sometimes I wish I could turn back time to when I was a teenager and show her the unconditional love that she has […]

Feeling the Earth

Yay – a bit of rain today! I’m really appreciating the cooler weather after the last few days and I’m sure the whenua is too… Today I was out in the garden and really enjoyed putting my hands in the earth again. It’s so good for my soul to be nurturing the land and to […]

Ko Rangi Ko Papa

Ko Rangi Ko Papa Ka puta ko Rongo, Ko Tane Mahuta Ko Tangaroa Ko Tumatauenga Ko Haumietiketike Ko Tawhirimatea Tokona te Rangi ki runga Ko Papa ki raro Ka puta ki te whai ao ki te ao marama Tihe i a mauriora! I just can’t get away from Rangi and Papa because Rangi and Papa […]

Something Old Something New

Just a short post from me today as I’m struggling to stay awake after a LONG day! I’m on the road tomorrow, a seven hour journey back home to Gizzy and am looking forward to planting my feet for another month at least before I head off on another adventure…not looking forward to the sweaty, […]


I’m mindful that this weekend is Waitangi weekend and is an important time for many Maori in Aotearoa and around the world. I remember the strength of my tupuna, my ancestors and their resilience to continue. I remember the loss of life, the sacrifices made by many of our people to continue a legacy of […]