It’s two days after the earthquake and I can’t help but base my korero around this. As I write this, the rain is pelting down outside here in Gisborne and I think about the need for water in Otautahi, but at the same time I am so glad that it is not raining there at […]
Tag: speaking your truth
Te Hunga Ririki
Day 46 – Te Hunga Ririki Today’s rock is for Kiana who turns 5 today! Don’t you just love tamariki – they are so honest and in the moment! I’m posting some kÅrero today that was shared via one of my rocks of the day by Tracey who is Kiana’s mum. Tracey and I used […]
Few Words
This is the first rock ever that I have used black paint on. Nearly 13 years of painting rocks and I have never used black paint! I think black for me has always been a colour of darkness, death and sadness. And there is that association with tangi because when you go to a tangi […]
The BIG P! I want to write about this because I’ve been kind of (trying to make it not sound so bad!) procrastinating throughout the day! And I know I’m procrastinating because I get side tracked into doing other things! One of those things is cleaning the house – its a sure sign that I’m […]
Passion is doing what I love, not just some of the time but all of the time, without limitations or boundaries. Free and uninhibited. I believe everyone should be doing what they love every day of their lives!! We spend so many hours of a week in jobs that we don’t like, working for someone […]
Ko Rangi Ko Papa
Ko Rangi Ko Papa Ka puta ko Rongo, Ko Tane Mahuta Ko Tangaroa Ko Tumatauenga Ko Haumietiketike Ko Tawhirimatea Tokona te Rangi ki runga Ko Papa ki raro Ka puta ki te whai ao ki te ao marama Tihe i a mauriora! I just can’t get away from Rangi and Papa because Rangi and Papa […]