What Does Matter Most?

koru hand painted rocks

So we’re back in Rotorua with whānau and we’ve just come from Te Puke after spending the last few days with whānau and what a wonderful time it has been!
koru hand painted rocks
I’ve said this before recently – there is something about this time, something in the air, so much aroha in the air, everywhere there is change, people are more accommodating and accepting of one another realising more and more, what matters most. And what matters most?

The relationships we have – the meaning we give to our lives through our relationships and love.

I feel like I’ve grown over the past three days, grown in the sense that I have healed through many years, spending time with whānau has made me realise that some things just don’t matter like they used to and what matters is that we have each other, we love one another, we can have a good laugh, we can have a good cry, we share a meal together or a few BIG meals together and in those moments, we know what matters most.

What matters most to me right now, is that I am here with whānau, enjoying the experience and sharing the love. A very special time.

Jo x

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