Ko Rangi Ko Papa

Ko Rangi Ko Papa Ka puta ko Rongo, Ko Tane Mahuta Ko Tangaroa Ko Tumatauenga Ko Haumietiketike Ko Tawhirimatea Tokona te Rangi ki runga Ko Papa ki raro Ka puta ki te whai ao ki te ao marama Tihe i a mauriora! I just can’t get away from Rangi and Papa because Rangi and Papa […]

Stop, Breathe and Experience the Moment

I feel like I’ve been racing around like a maniac over these past few days, still slowing down from the past 2-3 weeks. My mind is full of ideas, things to do, planning for the future and yet I have to keep reminding myself to stop for a moment and breatheā€¦ Sometimes we keep ourselves […]

Appreciation For Life

We went to Onukutaipari (Back beach) today and there was this interesting mist in the air…it was quite unusual, very humid and almost surreal… Whats been happening today? Well, had lunch with Donna and Denis; dear friends and whanaunga who I haven’t seen for a LONG time. Was so good to catch up on the […]


Wow – this rock just came out in a burst! Like an erupting mountain releasing all its lava…It took me about 15-20 minutes, no thinking about it, just painting… The weather has been pretty amazing over the last few days; warm, cool, windy, raining – all seasons in one day which is not uncommon for […]


Jan 25th = rock no. 25! I’m looking at today’s rock and asking myself where did that come from! I was tempted once again to correct myself and allow the perfectionist within to have control but I let go and instead the design took shape. I went to the beach this morning and it was […]


I’m having a bit of an interlude post today, doing a bit of venting and just letting go of some stuff! But life is like that – full of ups and downs! I was thinking the other day, what if I have a bad day? What if I am challenged by people or things or […]