
Had a wonderful day yesterday. (yes! this is yesterday’s rock!!) We went from sea to bush and I spent the day with a special young woman who has an amazing talent for art. We captured sounds and visuals of the sea at Paora Rd with Leah and Keith and also the bush up at Puniho […]


I have the urge to speak about aroha today – perhaps its because I have had conversation over the past couple of days about aroha or because this whole week has been filled with expressions of aroha both seen and felt. The sharing of breath – that is a such a beautiful way of speaking […]


I’ve been so busy all day and have been keeping an eye on the flooding in Brisbane – hoping that water will subside sooooooooon for those people in Queensland…much aroha going out to all of those affected… So, he aha te korero o te wa? Well just a short post today and it is about […]


I’m writing this post as I run out the door to see a friend who I haven’t seen in over ten years – oooohhhh I’m sure things have changed since then, like we’ve gotten older and wiser haha – well I hope so! And this rock is for her and if she doesn’t already know, […]


Day 6 – wow! I made it to Day 6! I’ve been thinking how amazing this has been and its only been 6 days. What’s amazing? Well when you commit to something and you tell the world about it then you are committed! So many people are watching out for you, supporting you and egging […]

The Importance of Connection

Today I’ve connected with a few people on the other side of the world who I have never met. One of the women I connected with also paints rocks and lives in Colorado Springs. She found me through a friend of hers on Facebook who was a friend of one of my friends on Facebook […]