I’ve painted two stones today – one for my darling niece Rawinia who turned 10 today (left rock) and one for my dear friend Di. Ngā mihi aroha ki a kōrua i tēnei rangi whakahirahira!
So I have two stories that merge into one because when I painted these I painted both at the same time so both stories are contained in each of the stones…
For Rawinia:
I remember when you came into this world, you waited for everyone to go and then you came out! So I missed your entrance into this world, but I remember you were so tiny and beautiful. With eyes like greenstone you were sensitive and alert.
At two years old I remember you bossing your older sister around – you told her to get in the garden and help Koro – you were definitely assertive then. You loved being with Koro in the garden and you and your brother have always been wonderful grandchildren for Koro and Nan.
I also remember a big mop of curly hair you had, you loved having it all out, you would never tie it up! You love roaming up the road and playing at your friends house, just like your mother and I used to be when we were kids.
And now you are 10 and will be a teenager soon… you have grown so fast – 10 years have gone so fast. Your birthday helps me remember how precious life is and how much we need to treasure those we love.
Sending you all my aroha on your special day my darling and see you soon!! xxx
For Di:
Unfolding koru, like unfolding life, taking me on a journey into the unknown, revisiting past lives and places…
Knowing self, rolling with the waves and the clouds, two sides to the story, balance of all that is seen and unseen, mind, body and spirit all coming together as one.
Releasing into this journey, a new journey that is not just mine but all those that have lived before and all those that are to come. Past, present and future merge as one…
A sacred journey I am, life, I appreciate every moment… rā whānau ki a koe Di xxx
Jo x